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Presentations (non-deck)

In the following are presentations that don't directly fit into decks, plans or executive summaries.

Joint Presentation with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to the Portuguese Electric Utility EDP by the South African entity Renewable Energy Solutions (RES)


BCG was interested in presenting to EDP a plan to establish biomass plantations (bamboo) in Southern Africa to produce biocoal for export to Europe. The biocoal would replace fossil coal in existing coal fired power plants.


The plan was to have the South African company, Renewable Energy Solutions (RES) establish and manage the plantations using their proprietary “Terra Joule” farming model for the support of traditional African farmers.


EDP would provide financial support and build the production plants using the Topell torrefaction technology and EDP would have export rights to Europe. There was strong market demand for this biocoal as evidenced by advanced letters of interest from RWE, the giant German electricity company that had also funded Topell.



EDP was very interested in pursuing the concept.


Unfortunately, Topell’s technology was never developed sufficiently to become commercially viable. As a result, a halt was called to the project and Topell was closed down.

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